[11/2/10 9:37:49 PM] person 1: hey, my friend patrick wants to know more on your theory of how college is like a game
[11/2/10 9:37:49 PM] person 1: please elaborate
[11/2/10 9:37:51 PM] person 1: for his sake
[11/2/10 9:37:53 PM] person 1: :)
[11/2/10 9:38:27 PM] person 2: alright give me a sec. just need to get through a couple things with j-money
[11/2/10 9:40:30 PM] person 2: essentially at this point in america, most decent to great jobs (monetarily and usually physically and emotionally "better" jobs) require at the very least a bachelors degree, if not a masters/phd
[11/2/10 9:43:17 PM] person 2: and your college education (academic education primarily) doesn't really have anything to do with the job you will be working. I for example am a sociology major. I can get a job doing research on race in a poor, immigrant community in some big city with a degree that has not actually taught me anything (except for one methods class) about actually going to do the research: how to communicate with people that probably view me as a privileged white outsider
[11/2/10 9:44:52 PM] person 2: what the degree really is suppose to prove is that you are a disciplined worker. I go to Middlebury, y'all two go to Hampshire. Both schools are considered rigorous and achieving good grades at our schools requires hard word. I bust my ass when i need to and definitely do a lot of work (though I spend a lot of time dicking around too).
[11/2/10 9:45:21 PM] person 2: thus when i apply for a job, i am showing them a piece of paper that says i am a disciplined, hard working.
[11/2/10 9:45:42 PM] person 2: my work in clubs. i'm a humanitarian, a leader, a good team player
[11/2/10 9:47:35 PM] person 2: at the end of the day, you totally learn some cool stuff at college, but it is less useful then actual lived experience. i should be able to prove that i am a hard worker just by working hard at a job, not paying a bunch of money to read, write, and talk a bunch about a bunch of sort of irrelevant things.
[11/2/10 9:48:43 PM] person 2: i therefore propose that if you can get away with doing really well in school while avoiding as much work as possible, you should do it
[11/2/10 9:50:32 PM] person 2: skip class, don't hand stuff in on time, stay out too late, or get high when you should be doing a reading
[11/2/10 9:50:42 PM] person 2: just make sure you don't start fucking up your grades
[11/2/10 9:51:10 PM] person 1: amen
[11/2/10 9:51:12 PM] person 1: :)