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Monday, October 25, 2010

Ignorance is Bliss?

I repeat this proverb over and over again in my mind, thinking of the many examples which contradict it due to recent events caused by utter stupidity, which I like to deem as ignorance.  My final conclusions and remarks on the clause: Bullshit! Who is the idiot that made this faulty phrase famous? Thanks to quick research on Google and then Wiktionary, I found the answer to my question.  The proverb derives from Thomas Gray’s poem, “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College”, written 1742.  The words tattooed on my mind stem from Gray’s line in the poem: “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.”  In fact I had never read the poem, so I did so to obtain some justification on Gray’s behalf before I shred apart his loop-holed concept.  Gray speaks of young boys who play happily on the hills of Eton College, indeed ignorant of the pain and suffering ahead of them in that thing called life. So, yes, in those circumstances, ignorance is bliss.
Is it not ironic that those same oblivious boys playing on the hill are those who will grow into men who cause pain and suffering upon others? Moreover, those who no longer have the excuse to consider their ignorance as bliss, but as something daunting and unnerving which can lead to stupidity, irrationality, and most unfortunately, violence?
Ignorance is the main ingredient for a chain reaction amounting to disaster. I could only help but think of such a recipe as I perused what French I could of Sud Ouest’s (le journal régionaux de Bordeaux) September 23rd headline article. I could extract that three French hostages were taken from a boat on an oil field off the coast of Nigeria. They were three of sixteen passengers---the remaining passengers left onboard, untouched and undisturbed. The three Frenchmen then added to the now seven total detained by al-Qaida. Scan the article, scan the article—ah the section of the article that highlights the conditions underlining how the hostages can be returned to their country. Ransom—obviously; the French government removing the law on the burka; some conditions I can’t recall—but have to do with the government complying with the wishes of respecting the Muslim religion and culture? After reading the article, my first thoughts were only the French government is to be recently blamed for the actions of al-Qaida.  And of course the same can be said about Pastor Terry Jones and his “International Burn a Quran Day.” Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance. Let’s make the California wildfire flames dance some more before actually making an effort to put them out.
Blatant ignorance. Why are the little boys playing blissfully upon Eton hill ignorant of the fact that sooner or later they’ll grow up to face the problems of life? Because they’d rather play than ponder life’s encounters or the possible outcomes of their actions.  Unfortunately, it seems the same can be said about French policy makers and Mr. Preacher of “Holiness”. The policy makers supposedly forgot that al-Qaida was a very dangerous MUSLIM terrorist organization sans limites et sans morale and Jones figured that in protestation of the Muslim “devil” religion and the 9/11 attacks, he would patriotically and rebelliously instate an international holiday burning the holy book of Muslims—which if anyone else also ignorantly forgot and I will recall for them, is the religion practiced by al-Qaida.  Al-Qaida’s response to this type of ignorance: you disrespect our religion—our culture, we don’t disrespect you—we kill you.  How does one know this answer? History.  Events that have already transpired.  Humans should not be sacrificed because of someone’s inability to think or realize the consequences of their actions and words. Actions which result in a country’s citizens  taken captive and having their lives threatened or country’s security levels (such as France) raised because terrorists want to extinguish all possible tourists associated with the land of Muslim-hating-hicks. 
Did I miss something? Am I just simply ignorant of the ways in which governments’ operate or how people think?
Thank you, ignorance! You’re a doll!

1 comment:

  1. i don't think that the people starting things like burn a quran day or the burka laws are ignorant—they usually know exactly what they’re doing—but I do think they get to experience the bliss part. they never actually experience the effects of the violent repercussions. they are safe in their positions of power and it in turn it is felt by the common people, masses, whatever you want to call us/them.

    i also have to say that violence is not always the response of radical muslim terrorist organizations and especially not radical muslims more generally (not saying that you wrote that though).

    i agree that what terry jones did was fucked but i am not so sure there were any major consequences except that he revealed himself as a true bigot. he probably feels like a better person because he did it though. so what you would call his ignorance is certainly bliss for him.

    politicians get to experience a difference kind of bliss, that of power:
    they pass the burka law, al-quaeda kidnaps some french people, people are scared, they need more protection, they confide in the government, they give up some fundamental "rights" in exchange for more security, they continue to support the government despite losing their once guaranteed rights. this also helps raise fear in other countries, adding to the possibility of the same cycle repeating abroad as well. obviously individual politicians have to fry on occasion and a "different" party will win the position, but nothing really changes.

    while it is a bummer that an obviously bigoted piece of legislation led to the kidnapping of a few french tourists, i have to say i am a bit more worried to see what will happen as a result of afghanistan and iraq.

    the GADFLY

    ps i agree with what you're generally saying though. it's fucked that a bunch of power-tripping assholes are making people's lives less safe because they are being openly discriminatory.
